Solid foundation
- Mischa
- LUT model
Second help, house style. Somehow it was time to put the project on a solid foundation.

Cape Canaveral
And here it is. The construction was relatively easy because I didn't have to worry about a cardboard assembly. There is not even so much space in very generously dimensioned living rooms, at most in museums that are very specially dedicated. The launch pad was a certain challenge, as I could only reliably estimate the ground plan from the satellite images (from the NASA Open Source Project 'World Wind'), and after a long search stumbled across a height of 53 feet. The pad has very subtle intersections, which can only be understood at second glance. In the background the connoisseurs among you will see the VAB and the Launch Control Center - both icons of NASA culture.
Let's put our freshly baked base to the test:

Launch Pad 39
Sits, fits, wobbles and has air. And an old acquaintance didn't miss the chance to take part in the rehearsal.

Crawler Transporter at the Launch Pad
Meanwhile the Crawler is already enjoying a certain degree of popularity among cardboard manufacturers, whereby 'infamous' is more likely to apply than 'famous'. We'll see how Mr. Kolschitzky is doing on the filigree flat of the Service Arm 7.

Service Arm #7 - S-IVb FWD
Aha. The guy is probably already finishing time, or is looking for some other madman who dares to do some gymnastics up there.

Launch Pad 39
... what the f...
MR. KOLSCHITZKY!!!!! WHAT WERE YOU DOING UP THERE????? You will clean this Saturn instantly, and if it lasts the whole night!!!!!! Stante pede !!!! The launch is tomorrow, and the press ... oh my goodness ... MR KOLSCHITZKY!!!! GET UP THERE!!! BUT FAST!!! And take enough household cleaner with you, will you????? WHAT DOES IT MEAN THAT YOU GET SCARED???? TAKE SOMETHING AGAINST ALTITUDE SICKNESS!!! AND NOW UUUUPPPP!!!!!!! ... Heaven, this smells .... John will roast me when he sees his Aquarius like this .... what does roasting mean ... he will knock the service module around my ears until it bursts ...