The Red Tower
- Mischa
- LUT model
So, here it goes impetuously at the usual speed *ggg*. The LUT is practically finished, maybe a tube is missing here and a cable there, but nothing that can't be done within one or two years.
Getting into it again wasn't that easy, so I reorganized the construction a bit, and now follow more the functional units, because at some point you lose the overview completely; this means that the LUT is now constructed more vertically than horizontally.

View from the top
We jump from the top floor of the LUT and enjoy 5 seconds of free fall. As I mentioned before, building up the LUT is not a simple copy & paste thing, as the start tower is getting thinner and thinner towards the top. So the skeleton of each level has to be rebuilt, and the underlying rules don't make it easy.

LUT and Crawler Transporter
Who already saw the crawler in nature (no, not the real one, but the one made of cardboard), gets an idea of the model dimensions. Maybe it's time to gently prepare your spouse for the new growth. However, the turret will be demountable into several parts, just for the sake of the trip to your next modeler convention ;)

LUT with the first stage of the Saturn V
The rear spoiler at the tower side prevents the cable bundles from being cut during the swing process. On swing arm 1, they are just a few, the real thing comes at the service arms further up. Unfortunately the paper is a bit too stiff due to the laser print pressure, that's why the swing of the cables appears a bit unnatural.