The time for dreams coming true normally lirks around X-mas or similar occasions. Dreams of your life getting true, however, come unexpected and without warning.

In March 2010 Ed Griffith, Mechanical Lead of Crawler Transporter #2, came across my site and contacted me. Our email conversation quickly developed and eventually led to an invitation to KSC to see the real Crawler Transporters.

Now, lots of preparations had to be done to bring a non US-citizen so close to the heart of America's space program, and I want to thank all persons who were involved in this process, namely Ray Trapp and Perry Becker, and of course my dear friend Ed for all their efforts to make this possible.

During the visit, Crawler Transporter kit 001 was officially donated to the NASA and handed over to Perry Becker. The kit will be built for the visitors complex at the KSC.