Latest LUT news

LUT Level 30

Yes, the tower is growing. I decided to continue the construction of the LUT virtually, because I flirt with the idea to make it dismount-able. The background is the portability.

MLP Side 2 & 3

After the first growth phase it was time for a consolidation, i.e. to adjust the parts exactly to each other and to check the buildability, which was a surprise for some parts ;)

MLP Side 2 & 3

Now, that the new computer is completely set up after several waking nights, the completion of the LUT is on the way *ggg*. The performance of the 6core processor and the ATI V8800 are satisfactory, and above all the machine is clearly quieter than its predecessor.

As mentioned, the LUT model will be able to bear the weight of the Revell 1/96 Saturn.

As a model designer you have to think about where you want to start.

LUT and Apollo 11

Hereby I officially open the construction blog for the second part of the moon landing trilogy - the Launcher Umbilical Tower, or LUT for short.

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